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Wednesday 29 October 2014

How to Create a Basic Fan Page on Facebook

Facebook is the undisputed king of social networks.  Millions of users visit the social network daily to communicate with friends and family.  However, its power as a networking and marketing tool becomes apparent when you take advantage of one of Facebook’s most enduring and powerful features—the fan page.
Facebook fan pages are special, standalone Facebook profiles that can be used to promote a business, bring awareness to a cause, or brand yourself as an artist or professional.  Because they look and act like personal profiles, fan pages lend a personal touch to business activities and marketing campaigns.  The tips in this tutorial will give you a head start on creating your very own Facebook fan page to show to the world.
1. Log on to Facebook.  Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page where you see the words “Create a Page.”  Click on that link.  (Alternatively, you can find the “Create a Page” link on the left-hand side of any fan page.)
2. You’ll now see six main category options for the page you’re about to create.  Click on the most relevant one.  Once you select a general category, Facebook will provide a drop-down menu that asks you to refine the category.  Once you do this and agree to Facebook’s terms, click the “Get Started” button.

Figure 1. Facebook’s Create a Page screen.  The main category “Artist, Band or Public Figure” has been selected.

3. You’ll now be taken through a series of steps.  Click Continue to progress through each one or  Skip if you intend to return to a certain step later.

Step 1: Profile Photo. Here is where you upload the profile picture that will be used for the fan page.  This photo can be uploaded from your computer or your website.

Step 2: Get Fans. No fan page is complete without fans.  Here is where you can send an invitation to “like” your new page out to your Facebook friends or import contacts from other social media services.

Step 3: Basic Info. Here, you can provide your website’s URL and write a few sentences on what you're going to promote.

4. Your Facebook fan page has now been created!  Facebook will prompt you to enter additional information to fully flesh out your page, especially if you’ve skipped some of the steps above.  Click “Edit Page” in the upper-right corner of the page to change various settings and add relevant information.

Figure 2.  A new fan page on Facebook.  You're prompted in the middle of the page to complete various tasks that will get your new Facebook presence up and running.

5. Start posting status updates!  You can begin by clicking on the “Post Update” button that appears in the middle section of the page.  Once you have a solid fan base (that is, Facebook users who have “liked” your page) and a steady stream of visitors, posting updates will be the best way to keep them engaged and informed.

That’s all there is to creating a simple Facebook fan page!  Promote your new page consistently, keep it regularly updated, and watch your popularity soar.


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very nice